Yamaha aerox NS50 - Owner's Manual > Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
All engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a deadly gas. Breathing carbon monoxide can cause headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, confusion, and eventually death.
Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas which may be present even if you do not see or smell any engine exhaust. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can collect rapidly and you can quickly be overcome and unable to save yourself. Also, deadly levels of carbon monoxide can linger for hours or days in enclosed or poorly ventilated areas. If you experience any symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, leave the area immediately, get fresh air, and SEEK MEDICAL TREATMENT.
- Do not run engine indoors. Even if you try to ventilate engine exhaust with fans or open windows and doors, carbon monoxide can rapidly reach dangerous levels.
- Do not run engine in poorly ventilated or partially enclosed areas such as barns, garages, or carports.
- Do not run engine outdoors where engine exhaust can be drawn into a building through openings such as windows and doors.
Adding accessories or cargo to your scooter can adversely affect stability and handling if the weight distribution of the scooter is changed. To avoid the possibility of an accident, use extreme caution when adding cargo or accessories to your scooter. Use extra care when riding a scooter that has added cargo or accessories. Here, along with the information about accessories below, are some general guidelines to follow if loading cargo to your scooter: The total weight of the operator, passenger, accessories and cargo must not exceed the maximum load limit.
Operation of an overloaded vehicle
could cause an accident.
When loading within this weight limit, keep the following in mind:
Cargo and accessory weight should be kept as low and close to the scooter as possible. Securely pack your heaviest items as close to the center of the vehicle as possible and make sure to distribute the weight as evenly as possible on both sides of the scooter to minimize imbalance or instability.
Shifting weights can create a sudden imbalance. Make sure that accessories and cargo are securely attached to the scooter before riding. Check accessory mounts and cargo restraints frequently.
- Properly adjust the suspension for your load (suspension-adjustable models only), and check the condition and pressure of your tires.
- Never attach any large or heavy items to the handlebar, front fork, or front fender. Such items can create unstable handling or a slow steering response.
This vehicle is not designed to pull a trailer or to be attached to a sidecar.
Genuine Yamaha Accessories
Choosing accessories for your vehicle is an important decision. Genuine Yamaha accessories, which are available only from a Yamaha dealer, have been designed, tested, and approved by Yamaha for use on your vehicle.
Many companies with no connection to Yamaha manufacture parts and accessories or offer other modifications for Yamaha vehicles. Yamaha is not in a position to test the products that these aftermarket companies produce.
Therefore, Yamaha can neither endorse nor recommend the use of accessories not sold by Yamaha or modifications not specifically recommended by Yamaha, even if sold and installed by a Yamaha dealer.
Aftermarket Parts, Accessories, and Modifications
While you may find aftermarket products similar in design and quality to genuine Yamaha accessories, recognize that some aftermarket accessories or modifications are not suitable because of potential safety hazards to you or others. Installing aftermarket products or having other modifications performed to your vehicle that change any of the vehicle's design or operation characteristics can put you and others at greater risk of serious injury or death.
You are responsible for injuries related to changes in the vehicle.
Keep the following guidelines in mind, as well as those provided under "Loading" when mounting accessories.
Never install accessories or carry cargo that would impair the performance of your scooter. Carefully inspect the accessory before using it to make sure that it does not in any way reduce ground clearance or cornering clearance, limit suspension travel, steering travel or control operation, or obscure lights or reflectors.
- Accessories fitted to the handlebar or the front fork area can create instability due to improper weight distribution or aerodynamic changes. If accessories are added to the handlebar or front fork area, they must be as lightweight as possible and should be kept to a minimum.
- Bulky or large accessories may seriously affect the stability of the scooter due to aerodynamic effects. Wind may attempt to lift the scooter, or the scooter may become unstable in cross winds. These accessories may also cause instability when passing or being passed by large vehicles.
- Certain accessories can displace the operator from his or her normal riding position. This improper position limits the freedom of movement of the operator and may limit control ability, therefore, such accessories are not recommended.
Use caution when adding electrical accessories. If electrical accessories exceed the capacity of the scooter's electrical system, an electric failure could result, which could cause a dangerous loss of lights or engine power.
Aftermarket Tires and Rims
The tires and rims that came with your scooter were designed to match the performance capabilities and to provide the best combination of handling, braking, and comfort. Other tires, rims, sizes, and combinations may not be appropriate.
Transporting the Scooter
Be sure to observe following instructions before transporting the scooter in another vehicle.
- Remove all loose items from the scooter.
- Point the front wheel straight ahead on the trailer or in the truck bed, and choke it in a rail to prevent movement.
- Secure the scooter with tie-downs or suitable straps that are attached to solid parts of the scooter, such as the frame or upper front fork triple clamp (and not, for example, to rubber-mounted handlebars or turn signals, or parts that could break). Choose the location for the straps carefully so the straps will not rub against painted surfaces during transport.
- The suspension should be compressed somewhat by the tiedowns, if possible, so that the scooter will not bounce excessively during transport.
Further safe-riding points
- Be sure to signal clearly when making turns.
- Braking can be extremely difficult
on a wet road. Avoid hard braking,
because the scooter could slide.
Apply the brakes slowly when stopping on a wet surface.
- Slow down as you approach a corner or turn. Once you have completed a turn, accelerate slowly.
- Be careful when passing parked cars. A driver might not see you and open a door in your path.
- Railroad crossings, streetcar rails, iron plates on road construction sites, and manhole covers become extremely slippery when wet. Slow down and cross them with caution. Keep the scooter upright, otherwise it could slide out from under you.
- The brake pads could get wet when you wash the scooter. After washing the scooter, check the brakes before riding.
- Always wear a helmet, gloves, trousers (tapered around the cuff and ankle so they do not flap), and a bright colored jacket.
- Do not carry too much luggage on the scooter. An overloaded scooter is unstable. Use a strong cord to secure any luggage to the carrier (if equipped). A loose load will affect the stability of the scooter and could divert your attention from the road.
See also:
Yamaha aerox NS50 - Owner's Manual > Safe Riding
Perform the pre-operation checks each time you use the vehicle to make sure it is in safe operating condition. Failure to inspect or maintain the vehicle properly increases the possibility of an accident or equipment damage. This scooter is designed to carry the operator and a passenger.
Yamaha aerox NS50 - Owner's Manual > Description
Left view Coolant reservoir cap Storage compartment Air filter element Kickstarter Final transmission oil filler cap Shock absorber assembly spring preload adjusting ring Final transmission oil drain bolt