BMW R 1250 RT - Owner's Manual > Front/rear seat

Operation / Front/rear seat

Front seat

Removing front seat

Front/rear seat

Front/rear seat


Installing front seat

- with seat heating OE

Front/rear seat

Front/rear seat

Adjusting front-seat height

Front/rear seat

Front/rear seat

Rear seat

Removing rear seat

Front/rear seat

- with seat heating OE

Front/rear seat

Install the rear seat

- with seat heating OE

Front/rear seat

Front/rear seat

Stowage compartment

Operating the left storage compartment

Stowage compartment

ATTENTION High temperatures in the storage compartments, particularly in summer

Damage to objects stowed away, particularly electronic devices, such as mobile phones and MP3 players


Operating the right storage compartment

- with audio system OE

Stowage compartment

ATTENTION High temperatures in the storage compartments, particularly in summer

Damage to objects stowed away, particularly electronic devices, such as mobile phones and MP3 players


See also:

 BMW R 1250 RT - Owner's Manual > Heating

Operating the heated handlebar grips Start the engine. NOTICE The heating in the heated handlebar grips can be activated only when the engine is running. Call up the Grip heating menu.

 BMW R 1250 RT - Owner's Manual > Central locking system

Lock - with central locking system OE Switch on the ignition and press button 1.

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